Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Failsafe Parenting (?)

Another big shock for me recently was during (and for a long while after) a presentation by Sue Dengate about children's behaviour and food.

Expecting to hear the usual - kids go hypo on red cordial stuff, I was surprised to hear that some people are affected by much more than just too much artificial colouring or flavours and that sugar has no effect at all on behaviour!  In fact, according to Sue's extensive research and after seeing the effects in her own family, many people are actually affected by naturally occurring chemicals in fruits and vegetables.

I'm not an expert at all so I wont even pretend to give any advise except to point you towards the Food Intolerance Network and tell you that a quick look at the intro video and a browse can't hurt you and might just save you and your family.

I've already noticed a change in myself after loosing some foods and plan to limit and eliminate artificial food stuffs from my sons diet - if necessary a full 'failsafe' elimination diet may well be in our future.

Check out Sue Dengate's books at your local library or on your favourite e-store:
Fed Up (Fully Updated)       The Failsafe Cookbook (Updated Edition)

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