Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hot Topic

SAHM? or WAHM? or WAFHM? - WTF!?!?!
It's a big decision that every mum makes a some point. Some women know before they fall pregnant that they want to leave work and become a SAHM (stay at home mum) as soon as they have children, others are adamant that they will not sacrifice their career that they've worked so hard for - they'll be a work away from home mum (WAFHM). Some think they know but when the time comes "can I really feel satisfied staying at home all day?" or "can I still feel like a good mum if I'm not around as much as some other mums?". And there in lies the gray area. Is being a work at home mum (WAHM) the answer?
I like to think so. For the time being, I'm a SAHM but would like to work again soon. I believe that childcare can be good for children to learn social skills and independence but also know the arguments for the negative, not the least of which is the cost, and I love having the time to spend with my little man everyday. Because of the cost there is no way to have him in childcare part-time if I'm not working to cover the price.
In my attempt to find the middle ground I've been researching home businesses and work from home opportunities. Let me tell you - there is ALOT of c**p out there! I have found a few things that appeal to me but am yet to find the one that's right for me.
Until that perfect opportunity comes along I'll stick with being a relaxed, proud, SAH-Economummy.

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